But today it's websites, social media ad campaigns, search engine rankings, email and text campaigns, customer review ratings and other phenomena that are the new reality. And in this new system, digital assets like chat bots or widgets that can simulate a human voice are fast-becoming invaluable supports to any enterprise.
But just as everyone is catching their breath, the game is accelerating again. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is supercharging the power of these tools to automate, streamline, optimize, whatever you care to call it, every aspect of a small business' life. In fact, it's a generally accepted fact that by 2030, AI is going to completely rewrite the landscape. And anyone who doesn't make the shift will probably be left in the dust to those who saw it coming and prepared for it.
It's that kind of preparation that Blue Ocean is here to help with. The powerful CRM software we use is from a company with a near-obsession with updating its assets, keeping up on the latest innovations, and making them available to all its partners.
In just one small example, websites alone, once designed for SEO keyword ranking on Google, are giving way to a new paradigm, what some are calling AEO—AI Engine Optimization. If you know how to configure just your website or any company literature this way, the public can find you more quickly and with greater detail on every aspect of your service. And you will rank higher,
Blue Ocean Business Services is a results-based agency. If you're not making more money, or we're not making your life easier, you're under no obligation to stick with us. No long-term contracts, just a month-to-month arrangement. If you have a need, tell us about it, and we'll work out a solution to your satisfaction. Partner with us, and we'll work out a way to make you more efficient and profitable.